Managed nerds

Website Hosting

Managed Nerds provides managed WordPress hosting for businesses and individuals. That means we take care of all the website updates, cybersecurity, and backend issues allowing you to focus on designing your site. We can also design a site for you!

Website Hosting Packages

Basic Hosting


  • Supports Light Visitor Traffic
  • Security & Uptime Monitoring
  • Managed Maintenance & Updates
  • Weekly Backups
  • 1 Basic .com Domain Included
  • Starter Email for 1 User

* Web Design Hours Not Included

Plus Hosting


* $45/month of Bundled Savings! *

Basic Hosting Features And:

  • Supports Medium Visitor Traffic
  • Daily Website Backups
  • Continuous Performance Optimization
  • Quarterly Text and Image Updates

* Initial Website Design Not Included

Premium Hosting


* $60/month of Bundled Savings! *

Plus Hosting Features And:

  • Supports Heavy Visitor Traffic
  • E-Commerce Compatible
  • Hourly Website Backups
  • Monthly Text and Image Updates
  • Quarterly SEO Optimization

* Initial Website Design Not Included

Blog cover image designed by DALL-E to convey the themes of security, efficiency, and cost-saving benefits in a small business environment, enhanced by modern IT infrastructure.

Protect Your Business

Want a full suite of Cybersecurity tools for your business? We can help!

Website Hosting Miscellaneous Add-Ons

Continuous Performance Optimization

We’ll monitor your website for performance and ensure it’s optimized to load pages fast. This helps increase your SEO ranking and keeps your visitors happy.


SEO Optimization & Analytics Monitoring

We’ll monitor your website ensure it’s ranking for your business keywords. This helps bring more visitors to your website. We’ll also provide reporting showing your current visitor traffic statistics.

$10/month – Quarterly SEO

$25/month – Monthly SEO

Text and Image Updates

We’ll update any text and images on your website at the specified frequency. You provide what you want us to update. Does not include any re-design work.

$10/month – Quarterly Updates

$25/month – Monthly Updates

Website Backups

Website backups are essential to prevent losing intellectual property. We can restore your site to its last good backup in under an hour.

$5/month – Daily Backups

$10/month – Hourly Backups

E-Commerce Item Updates

We’ll update your e-commerce listings and add/remove items as needed. You provide what you want us to update. Does not include any re-design work.

$20/month – Quarterly Updates

$40/month – Monthly Updates

Website Hosting Email Add-ons

Starter Email

1 Included for Free in All Hosting

  • Branded Domain Email
  • Forwards to One Email of Choice
  • Cannot Send Outbound Mail
  • Use on Your Business Cards

* Not eligible to add more than one email address

Plus Email


  • Microsoft 365 Business Basic for One User
  • Up to Three Shared Mailboxes
  • Unlimited Free Support for Email Issues

* Additional users can be purchased for $7.50/user/month

Premium Email


Plus Email Features And:

  • Upgrade to Microsoft 365 Business Premium
  • Up to Five Shared Mailboxes
  • Email Cybersecurity Protection

* Additional users can be purchased for $25/user/month

Purchase A Domain

Want to reserve a domain you can use later? Look no further, you can now reserve your custom domains through us!